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    Brewing to Health: Defying Disease with Every Sip

      Liver disease isn’t the kind of diagnosis you want to get from your doctor. Yet, all my symptoms added up to that unwelcome result: the irregular blood work, the unexplained bruising, darker-than-typical urine, and a nauseating pain in the upper right side of my stomach. My attending physician couldn’t solve the problems except to give me advice to lose weight, avoid alcohol, and stay away from too much Tylenol.

      Five years have passed since that diagnosis, and I have been free from liver problems. This reversal had nothing to do with following doctors’ orders, either, because I made virtually zero of the recommended lifestyle changes. Surprisingly, little coffee beans were the magic elixir for healing my liver disease. That’s right. Coffee! I began my relationship with coffee by drinking it like a friend—morning, noon, and night. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Between meals and after—it was coffee, and I drank a ton of it!

      My excitement for curing my liver disease by drinking coffee evolved into curating exquisite coffee blends, which led to the creation of the company Brews & Burners. Today, I’ve expanded the range of products I offer to fully embrace the lesson I learned during my journey to better health: Nature’s nutrients and simple, convenient routines are the best vehicles for improving one’s health. This is why Brews & Burners provides a line of premium coffee and all-natural supplements that fit easily into your daily life and take your health and vitality to the next level.

      Let’s all enjoy the same amazing health that I’ve been blessed with!
